About me

Welcome! I am an Associate Professor with the School of Computer Science and Technology at Jiangsu Normal University. I received my Ph.D degree in computer science from China University of Mining and Technology, China. I have served as reviewer of many important academic Journals such as IEEE TKDE, IEEE TNNLS, Pattern Recognition, World Wide Web, Information Sciences. My research interests include data mining and machine learning, specialized in cluster analysis and time series analysis.


  • [24/09/2024] Congratulations to my graduate student Yurui Li! Our paper “Feature weighting-based deep fuzzy C-Means for clustering incomplete time series” is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems (TFS, CCF-B).

  • [08/07/2024] Congratulations to my graduate student Fuyu Wu! Our paper “Density-based clustering with differential privacy” is accepted by Information Sciences (INS, CCF-B).

  • [06/06/2024] Congratulations to my graduate student Sheng He! Our paper “VAEAT: Variational AutoeEncoder with adversarial training for multivariate time series anomaly detection” is accepted by Information Sciences (INS, CCF-B).

  • [15/03/2024] Congratulations to my graduate student Jiarui Sun! Our paper “Efficient online stream clustering based on fast peeling of boundary micro-cluster” is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS, CCF-B).

  • [21/02/2024] Congratulations to my graduate student Jiarui Sun! Our paper “TWStream: Three-way stream clustering” is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems (TFS, CCF-B).